Susana Barbosa Portugal
Celebração pins
Pieces created for Madrugada / Daybreak - Jewellery Room, II Lisbon Contemporary Jewellery Biennial
Materials resin, glass (mirror), magnet, carnation petals, paper
Size 30x30x15 mm
Because celebrations are the culmination of many previous actions that together made the events possible. In tribute to those who were in the rear guard, who were arrested, who were censored, who were tortured, who went to war, who waited for this day for years, and who on that DAWN waited in silence in the hope of achieving FREEDOM. This work reflects the importance of looking at ourselves as citizens and toward the future, without ever forgetting the important moments of the past and the reasons why we celebrate them.
May the visible reflection in these pieces remind us of the importance and capacity we all have to create memorable moments worthy of celebration.