Jane Sedgwick United Kingdom
Altocumulus necklace
Piece included in the exhibition Tincal lab Challenge 2024 Jewelry and Freedom (maximum price 150€)
Materials ash wood, reclaimed polyester thread, linen thread, waxed cotton cord
Size 70x60x13mm
Jane has set herself a difficult challenge: to convey her fascination with clouds.
For thousands of years, artists, poets and free-thinkers have been trying to do the same.
How can you capture a cloud’s ability to perpetually change formation; free to roam the vast skies, trigger the imagination, lift your spirits (at least for a little while ;-)
Via these tactile talismans, Jane hopes to soothe the wearer. The soft fibres can be subtly manipulated, changing the colour interactions of the individual threads; offering an ever evolving scene. Imagine you are free to touch the clouds just for a moment…