
Spring of 2020.
On any ordinary year, on June 1st, we would be presenting the new theme of the already well-known Tincal lab Challenge. The main objective of this pioneer initiative in the city of Porto launched in 2015 was simple: to show the quality and diversity of contemporary jewelry, opening its doors to the general public, in the form of an international collective exhibition that has been presenting in our gallery more than 100 exclusive pieces by about 50 different jewelers every year.
In March of 2020 something changed: the world was forced to pause and our gallery was closed for two months and a half. We can pretend that it’s possible to go on as if nothing had happened or choose to assume the exception.
Imbued by the spirit of quarantine, we launched on April 18th a new kind of Open Call: ANTIVIRUS, a virtual event of exhibition and sale, intended to donate part of sales to help fighting COVID-19. We invited artists to present their personal ANTIVIRUS for these times: be it a protection shield, a defense weapon or an amulet of hope.
We thought this would be just a temporary event to keep artists inspired while helping the community, but the response was so overwhelming that we think it’s worth to make it shine a bit longer than a month.
On June 1st, we reopen our physical gallery and launch online ANTIVIRUS: a Tincal lab Quarantine Challenge.
As much as it saddens us, this year we’d rather play safe and don’t have the big opening of Tincal lab Challenge on November as usual, but are happy to present now this new virtual event: with no restrictions of space, number of pieces or limit of price, open to jewelry and other artistic expressions, featuring a curated selection of pieces that are a reflection of our times, signed by artists from all over the world.
20% of sales until June 30 of 2020 will be donated to the initiative #euajudoquemajuda by Portuguese Red Cross, but the pieces will remain available online and with the offer of free shipping until the end of the year, so we have more time to do what we love: support artists and promote their work.
Aino-Astrid Gaedtke (DE) | Alberto Ghirardello (IT) | Aleena Derohanian (CA) | Alex Modeste + L’Eau des Vivants (FR) | Alfieri Jewel Design (IT) | Alison Boyce (UK) | Amalgama Jewels (IT) | Ana Azevedo (PT) | Ana Calbucci (BR) | Ana Ibanez (MX) | Ana Lucia Fernandes (BR) | Ana Pina (PT) | Anna Paparella (IT) | Anna Vlahos (AU) | Anne Luz Castellanos (AR) | Atelier Armoure (FR) | Atelier Marlaucreation (FR) | Aurea Praga (PT) | Barbara Garcia (ES) | Barbara Laso (ES) | Bruna Fois (BR) | Camilla Mileto (IT) | Catarina Nordeste (PT) | Claudia Afonso (PT) | Cleopatra Cosulet (RO) | Cristina Barros (PT) | Cristina Celis (MX) | Daniela Massa (IT) | David Miralles (ES) | Dina Abargil (IL) | Duo Wonder (BE) | Ekaterina Korzh (RU) | Eliane Roemer (BR) | Elisa Stefanini (IT) | Elvira Cibotti (AR) | Emilie Le Dez (FR) | Emily Pettigrew (US) | Ezgi Okur (TR) | Fariba Oni (IR) | Francine Schloeth (CH) | Geraldine Goloncser (AT) | Gorken Kizilcaglayan (TR) | Hua-Xiaowei (CN) | Inês Paixão (PT) | Jo Harrison-Hall (UK) | Juan Miguel Pugnaire (ES) | Juanjo Garcia (ES) | Karolina Majewska-Rydel (PL) | Keraban Joaillerie (FR) | Kiseno (CO) | Laura Micheli (IT) | Laurel Nathanson (US) | Lia Gonçalves (PT) | Liisa Hashimoto (JP) | Lorena Lazard (MX) | Louve Montreal (CA) | Lunante (IT) | Maddalena Bearzi (IT) | Marcin Boguslaw (PL) | María Eugenia Ramos (AR) | Maria Sofia Matinhos (PT) | Mario Lopez (ES) | Marta Arsenal (ES) | May Ganan (ES) | Metal Atelier (US) | Mia Kwon (KR) | Monica Romaozinho (PT) | Ni Daodao (CN) | NIIRO jewelry (SI) | Oscar Galea (ES) | Paula Petiz (PT) | Pistol & Peach (ZA) | Rho Tang (US) | Ricardo Fonseca (PT) | Rita Besnyoi (HU) | Rita Martinez (CR) | Roberta Pesci (AR) | Salvador Vico (ES) | Sandrine Vieira (PT) | Sharon Massey (US) | Sofia Talanti (IT) | Tea & Oatcakes (PT) | Telma Oli (PT) | Valeria Rossini (IT) | Vasiliki Sountou (GR) | Zsófia Neuzer (HU)
[Photo on cover by Catarina Nordeste]